GREETINGS GUYS AND GALS! This is Mike here at Copper Dog Publishing Central, and I just wanted to get everybody up to speed on our latest shenanigans!
2016 has been a busy and fruitful year for CDP LLC, as to date our MoonDream Press imprint has published one novel, AGAINST THAT TIME, and two shared-world anthologies, COWBOYS IN SPACE and SHA’DAA: INKED.
Ahhhhhhhh, but what have you done for me lately, you all ask! Well then, I’ll tell you!
We’re currently juggling four different projects in various phases of development. The first of these is a novelette by the late great C.J. Henderson, titled JAC AND HER BEANSTALK, a delightful revisionist tale for children of all ages, where C.J. gives us a new spin on an old tale, making sure we give a certain young lady her just dues, and showing us that girls can be heroes also! At the moment our editing, proofreading, and typesetting is done, and we’re working hard on creating delightful illustrations to accompany C.J.’s magical text! JAC will be the first volume to be published by CDP’s Pumpkin Hill Press imprint. Stay tuned for further future updates including a glimpse at the Final Cover!
Two more projects we are working on are Reprints of the currently out of print poetry collections by poet Michael H. Hanson, AUTUMN BLUSH and JUBILANT WHISPERS. CDP has re-acquired the rights from the previous publishers of these tomes. These Reprints have been extensively re-edited and rewritten by the author, not to mention several brand new poems have been added to them. They will soon be released in both trade paperback and e-book, and will be the first volumes published under CDP’s Racket River Press imprint. Stay tuned for further updates!
The success of author Edward F. McKeown’s Maauro Chronicles rolls on with the currently untitled third book in the space opera series which is undergoing editing and proofreading. Once we have a book cover we’ll be sure to wet your appetites with a nice glimpse.
Last year we managed to put out two volumes of scary poetry on Halloween. Though we cannot give a 100% guarantee we can do the same this year, we are working on Michael H. Hanson’s latest collection of dark poetry, WHEN THE NIGHT OWL SCREAMS, a creepy anthology of verse that will be sure to send a chill through your bones when it goes to print.
So that’s all the news that’s fit for youse!
On the leading edge of Autumn, the year is not quite over, and Copper Dog Publishing has lots in the works for your future reading pleasure, folks!